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Other Services

Renewable Energy Interconnection With LL&P System

Lamar Light and Power strives to provide safe reliable power to our customers; to protect employees and equipment, and to protect the general public, we require that customers wishing to install wind or photovoltaic systems to their residential or business facilities and wishing to make interconnection with our system to follow and complete the Interconnection application forms as described in the documents below.

Small Generator Interconnection ProceduresNet Metering Policy

Business Energy Partners

We’re all in this together. If our customers are prosperous and realize economic growth, then Lamar Light and Power will prosper and realize economic growth.
The focus of Business Energy Partners is to become familiar with the operations of our business accounts and address questions like:

  • Will energy conservation help reduce operating costs?
  • Are businesses considering a new idea but not sure who to approach for marketing or financing?
  • What are the concerns of the business and what do they believe are barriers to improving business operations in the Lamar area?

We want to be an additional resource for our business customers and provide contacts that help address their questions and concerns. We want to ensure that we are able to provide the energy needs our customers require to grow their operations. Contact us.

Scholarship Program

Every year Lamar Utilities Board and the Arkansas River Power Authority jointly provide a $1,400 scholarship award to a graduating high school senior from Lamar, McClave, and Wiley High Schools. To be eligible, a student must be a high school senior residing with a family receiving electric service from Lamar Light and Power. Look for more information to be posted on this website and in local media in March each year. Contact us for more information.

Download the latest application here.Download the renewal application here.

Area Yard Lighting

The Lamar Light and Power yard lighting program is available to all of our customers, both residential and commercial. Fixtures can be mounted on existing or new poles without costly up-front investment and maintenance expenses of installing and owning lights, poles, and wiring. Lamar Light and Power provides all installation, maintenance, repairs and replacement of fixtures for a fixed monthly fee that is based on the type and size fixture you choose and added to your monthly bill. Contact us.

Light Types and Costs *
100 watt High Pressure Sodium$18.00
250 watt High Pressure Sodium$25.15
400 watt High Pressure Sodium$51.90
175 watt Metal Halide$22.20
250 watt Metal Halide$32.50
400 watt Metal Halide$51.90

Rate includes fixture and one (1) pole. Any additional pole needed, to be located not more than 300 feet from adequate power source, add $16.00 per year.

*Monthly base rate. Electric Cost Adjustment and Charter Appropriation Adjustment applies.

Energy Audits

Residential: Want to know if your home needs insulation? Want to upgrade your windows or light fixtures? Lamar Light and Power offers FREE home assessments to determine what energy-saving measures would be beneficial to you. Contact us to schedule an appointment for this FREE service.
Commercial: Lamar Light and Power can help reduce your electric bill with a commercial energy audit. A technician from our engineering staff will inspect your business and in a written report, make recommendations for improving the energy efficiency of the building envelope and equipment. An energy audit can be a valuable tool to help you understand your energy usage and the resulting bill. Contact us to schedule an appointment for this FREE service.

Tree Trimming

Our crews are constantly trimming and removing trees under power lines, in our ongoing effort to make your electric service as reliable as possible. Along roadways where there are no houses, we remove problem trees from the public easements and rights-of-way. It saves our customers money to remove them rather than trim repeatedly. We never remove yard trees without first talking with the homeowner. We work with the wishes of our customers regarding removal or trimming of trees whenever we are able to without endangering our personnel or the reliability of the electrical distribution system.
You are responsible for making sure trees aren’t growing into the line that comes from our distribution system to your house. If limbs are getting too close, contact us and one of our service technicians will come by and drop your service line for you while you trim the trees. DO NOT attempt to trim trees yourself that are growing near distribution lines or your service wire. Doing so can put you at risk of deadly electrical shock.

Electric Water Heater Rebate Program

Any Lamar Light and Power customer, home or business, may qualify for this program, if you meet the following criteria:

  • You must be replacing a natural gas or propane water heater.
  • Water heater must have at least a 30 gallon capacity.
  • Water heater must have at least R16 insulation.
  • Water heater must be purchased within our service area.
  • Rebate credit must be requested within 90 days of installation.
  • Proper documentation and inspection is required.

The value of the rebate is $2.00 per gallon capacity. An additional rebate of $50.00 is available for rewiring if necessary for installation. Contact us for more information or download rebate form.

Weatherization Program

Do you want to save $$$$$ on your heating and cooling bills?
Do you want to have your furnace checked for safety as well as have it cleaned, oiled and repaired if needed?
Would you like to have adequate insulation in your attic, walls and floors?
Would you like your home treated for air leakage by weather-stripping, caulking, and door sweeps?

If you said yes to any of the above questions, you could be eligible for our Weatherization Works Program, a state-wide service that provides weatherization upgrades on homes, mobile homes, and trailers free of charge to qualifying participants.

Come to our offices for details, and to pick up an application and income guidelines.
Third-Party Notification

The purpose of this program is to help avoid any hardship which could result from electric service being disconnected by alerting a third party to such action in advance.
Should it become necessary for your electric service to be disconnected for non-payment or violation of rules or regulations, you as well as your designated third party would be notified prior to the disconnect date.
Lamar Light and Power makes every effort to notify the specified “third party” of pending disconnection, but assumes no liability for failure of the third party to receive or to act upon said notice.
The third party can be a friend, relative, church, or any community agency you select, and has the right to receive and provide information regarding your personal circumstances. The third party may enter into a payment arrangement on your behalf, but is not responsible for payment of your bill.

Contact us for more information or to register for this program.